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What is REST?

Our world is filled with chaos, anxiety, and fear that can grip in very real ways. Living in peace can feel like a fantasy world. "Busy" has become the buzz word for this generation. It seems that being "busy" has become the badge of purpose and honor in life. The idea of balance, rest, and peace are often lost in the mix of pursuing meaning and purpose.


It's time to take a fresh look at the idea of REST

The ideas of delighting, having peace, balancing priorities, and living carefree are often lost in the pressures of our day to day life. REST Gatherings create a sacred and safe place for women to come away from the demands, routines, and busyness of life. It's a time to refocus. A time to engage with all of our being (spirit, soul and body) in the pursuit of REST.  In this gathering we aspire to meaningful and genuine fellowship with others. It is our desire for people to leave empowered to live from a place of Divine PEACE. To leave impacted and RESTED.

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